While the producer price of potatoes, which was 2.14 TL in April 2019, decreased to 73 kuruş in April 2021, the prices increased to 88 kurus with the intervention of TMO in this period.
In this period, the potato prices sold at 2.43 TL in the market broke a record by showing an increase of 34.71 percent in October when it came to the market. Potato, which was 1.69 TL at the producer in October, was sold at 3.26 TL in the market. In November, these prices were 2.56 TL at the manufacturer, while they were sold at around 5 TL in big market chains.
While high costs lead the producer to unplanned planting, food inflation causes the price gap between producer and consumer to widen day by day. The producer has been losing for the last two years in potato, which has become the luxury of the table with its market price exceeding 5 TL today.
According to TUIK data, potato prices, which peaked at 2.14 in 2019, started to decline in producers as of May. The manufacturer, who saw the highest price with 1.60 TL in 2020, the beginning of the pandemic, was able to sell its product for 1.04 TL by December. While the average producer price for potatoes was 0.99 TL in 2021, this figure could only rise to 0.88 TL despite the purchases of TMO in April.
Baki Remzi Suicmez
If it goes on like this, the import doors can be opened.
Baki Remzi Suiçmez, President of the Chamber of Agricultural Engineers, explained that products such as potatoes and onions are the main products of the citizens’ table, and noted that the fall in producer prices, in particular, detached the producer from the soil and the product prices increased in the next year. Suiçmez stated that the consumption of potatoes and onions, which are the basic products of the kitchen, increased with the decrease in the income level of the people, “There must be planned production here. The farmer who cannot earn money this year will not plant potatoes and onions next year. Tomorrow, if there is a meltdown in the stocks, the mistake of buying from abroad will also occur in potatoes. Then the import gates will have to be opened,” he said.
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